Project Management
P/Strada provides project management services in the following areas:
- Acquisitions
- Telecommunications
- Staff Augmentation
- Training and Management Consulting
Additionally, P/Strada provides based project management in Organizational Development, Diversity Integration, and Homeland Security as well as project management in Commercial/Government furniture sales and “Green Initiative” Electronic/Electric Waste recycling with a zero landfill initiative and other greening initiatives.
Acquisition Management
P/Strada has the ability to service all of your organizations furniture needs from design to installation. We have aligned ourselves with many numerous companies that manufacture in the USA and Canada. We can invoice via WAWF and our GSA number is GS-10F-0339S. Our customer list includes the following installations:
- Ft Leonard Wood, MO
- AR Army National Guard
- MO Dept of Transportation
- Ft Sill, OK
- Ft. Lewis, WA
- Ft. Leavenworth, KS
- VA Regional Office, Muskogee, OK

Training & Coaching
Specializing in organizational development, structure and processes that assist organizations and individuals in achieving higher and greater success in their current/expanding environments. Assist individuals in growth by coaching them in management, business skills, ethics, straight talk and life boat theory.
P/Strada provides the following services to meet your corporate needs:
- Strategic Planning
- Leadership Development
- Team Development
- Supervisor Development
- Organizational Development
- Diversity training
- Online Courses
Additionally, P/Strada utilizes the following assessment tools that leverage your employees’ diverse learning skills and thinking styles to enhance competitive and superior performance:
- 360 Survey
- Brain Mode Power/Pathway
- Climate Survey
Management Consulting
P/Strada provides a multitude of education and training options. From basic office skills to advanced professional skills, P/Strada provides and manages educational platforms for blended, face-to-face, instructional, online and web-based training. This includes but not limited to mentoring, coaching, training, consulting, and leadership development. We conduct regular training and refresher courses for the above groups to include but not limited to:
- Mentoring
- Consulting
- Training
- Coaching
- Leadership Development
Additionally, P/Strada provides skills development programs in leadership and entrepreneurship and the development of human capital.
Collaboration and Partnerships
P/Strada collaborates and partners with other similar organizations involved in government, entrepreneurship community, community-based enterprise, educational organizations, institutions and active networks of the above community. From local to global, P/Strada knows collaborative partnerships are keys to the development of the most qualified and knowledge workforce in a global business community.